-----Original Message----- From: ÖdönFarkas [mailto:farkas@chem.elte.hu] Sent: Thu 10/13/2005 4:46 PM To: Scott, John Cc: suse-amd64@suse.com Subject: RE: [suse-amd64] System slow after upgrade to 10... Hi, Initally I had similar problems with SuSE 9.3 on my NX6125, however, SuSE 10 solved the "too fast clock" problem what I had to solve previously through a kernel patch. I'm surpeised that it does not work on the Acer Ferrari. Best wishes, Ödön On Thu, 2005-10-13 at 13:38 -0400, Scott, John wrote:
#-----Original Message----- #From: Kyle [mailto:doctorwhite@verizon.net] #Sent: Thursday, October 13, 2005 2:36 AM #To: suse-amd64@suse.com #Subject: [suse-amd64] System slow after upgrade to 10... # #Hello, # # I recently upgraded to OpenSuse 10 and my system is running very #slow. I cannot figure out why. I checked the processes with top and #did not see anything out of the ordinary or any processes #using 100% CPU #usage. Typing is very slow, startup is slow etc...what should I check? # #System: Acer Ferrari 4005 #AMD64 Turion #1 gb mem ddr400 #100 gb 5400 rpm hdd #etc... # #Kyle #
I've got an HP nx6125 with the Turion chipset, 1GB ram, and have noticed the same thing. I can't really state the whole box is slow, just the some of the X related stuff. These are slow, but tolerable only because the graphics look good. I haven't had a chance to dig around yet (it's only been up a couple of days). So, I'm going to hazard a guess about a driver (or drivers) being an issue. Specualtion: it might be the driver for the ATI X300 since what I'm experiencing is gui related. I've seen complaints about the newer ATI cards/chipsets and Linux on various lists. I'll have a chance to check it out tonight. If it turns out to be the ATI, this'll be the first and last thing I buy with an ATI if it isn't easily fixed.
Here's what I started noticing. The gui is not updating/refreshing the display upon an action in the browsers (pick one). Example, I click on a link and it acts like I did nothing as long as the mouse stays still. The second the mouse moves, the whole browser window changes/updates. It'll stay on the originating page as long as I don't move the mouse. I've also seen Konqueror do the same thing when just browsing the file system. Stays the same if the mouse doesn't move. I can use alt+f2 to launch apps (like kate), type data, and the Konqueror (or other browsers) don't update if I don't move the mouse. So, maybe the system/gui isn't really slow. Maybe the mouse driver is the real culprit and not x.org driver as I originally speculated. I changed the mouse driver from the Synaptics touchpad to a generic PS/2 mouse and all this weirdness went away. Happy now and I won't blame ATI or the x.org drivers so quickly anymore. Now on to trying out AppArmor and some database/web dev stuff, and getting the wireless to work. I hope this helps the OP with his problem with his Ferrari. Oohh, carbon fiber - suhhweet. John