John McCorquodale wrote:
This is with an 8500-12 SATA raid controller. I should also mention that using the 32-bit SUSE 9.0 Professional on the same machine does not exhibit the corruption.
Yes, I have this problem as well. I have reported it to 3ware (which you should do too; duplicate bug reports add legitimacy to problems) with no luck. There was some theorization on the x86-64 kernel list a few months ago that it was an IOMMU problem, but I never had luck with tweeking IOMMU parameters.
Yes, we reported this to 3ware as well.
The problem I saw was that reads/writes with blocksize under 4k-N (where N was 40 bytes or something like that) seemed to work fine, but would return all zeros (or bogus data) in the buffers above 4k-N or in some cases (M*4k)-N. Also, the first 16k (if I remember correctly) of the partition always reads as zero.
As another data point, I was able to install onto the RAID array and do some testing with RedHat Enterprise for AMD64 with no corruption.
The K8W appears to have serious BIOS problems setting up memory mappings (particularly in regard to AGP setup) when 8GB is installed, so drop your RAM to 1GB and see if you have better luck.
What sort of AGP problems are you seeing? We are seeing poor performance with > 4GB.
After I'm done here at Supercomputing, I'll try to come up with a kernel patch to reorganize memory mappings to sanify Tyan's BIOS's mess for 8GB, but I don't know that this approach will work. I'm hoping it will solve the 3ware problem and my AGP problem simultaneously, but I am used to engaging in wishful thinking. :)
Well, I'll keep my fingers crossed. :-) Mike