You probably want to put at least two case fans in the system. The ram is probably the problem... I have samsung dd400's and since putting copper heatspreaders on them the systems been very cool. I have 4 Fans in my machine. 1 in front of the harddrives 1 at the front bottom (inhaller) And two at the rear above atx pannel (Exhaust) My abient system temp runs around 14 -24 degree's celcius. Any hotter and your going to be in trouble. On Wed, 2004-05-26 at 16:23, einar wrote:
I am aware of the speed control setting in the BIOS. However, when running WinXP (yes, I dual boot) and playing a game, the machine constantly crashed! With full fan speed, everything runs stable. I still have to find out if the crashes came from overheating the CPU (which I doubt) or from the missing air current that was also cooling the memory. I never checked if the box would also crash running linux when under heavy load.
Joel Wiramu Pauling wrote:
I agree...
You do know that you can turn on automatic fan speed control in the bios.. This takes the fan down to a less ear piercing 2400RPMS... Me I don't mind going deaf so I leave it on full speed =-)
On Sat, 2004-05-22 at 08:02, einar wrote:
I use this motherboard with one Opteron 244 (I plan to insert a second one in the next months) and with SuSE 9.0. With the help of the Patch CD, I installed on SATA drives without the help of any PATA. It works but the cooler that comes with the MoBo is extremly loud.
Olivier Delcourt wrote:
I've parsed the archives titles but have not found anybody speaking about MSI K8T Master 2 dual-opteron motherboard.
Basically, I want to know if someone has tested this board with SuSE 9.1 or SuSE Server for AMD 64.
Thanks for the information.