On Sunday 31 October 2004 08:21 am, Edwin Heath wrote:
My system seems to have become really unstable lately with applications crashing with sigsev or the whole system freezing (even at runlevel 3 in bash)
This past week I've been messing around with installs on a gigabyte k8ns pro. I've installed 32 bit 9.1 and 64 bit 9.1. Both have given me fits with random lockups. These lockups happened during boot, starting KDE, doing YOU updates... seemingly randon hangs and locks. Actually, the installs went fine. I didn't notice problems until after the first YOU update (on both 32 and 64 and both included kernel updates). I was about ready to take that box and toss it out the one of the windows (that's the only 'windows' I want this box to see). I decided to try a bios upgrade before pulling the plug. It's only been a few hours, but so far so good. Longest time without a hang since I installed the board. Thinking back, I had to do a bios upgrade on my son's machine (a cheap shuttle board) before I could get 91 to install on his box. Might be worth a shot. Doug