Thanks for your suggestions. Actually my choice of memory was financially constrained, plans are of course to expand it as soon as money comes. Just a "quick" question on upgrading BIOS (it is the first time I update a BIOS): How do I update my BIOS? (In the Tyan page I've found instructions only "Win oriented") Thanks Angelo On Tue, 29 Jun 2004 16:39:32 +0300 Janis Klava <> wrote:
Hello Angelo,
Download the latest BIOS from Tyan site (2885_202) and install it first, before you do anything else. Otherwise there will be problems with SATA.
Install 9.1 and do an online upgrade and say 'yes' to nvidia driver, it works fine.
By using only one memory dimm per cpu you will not get the benefit of 128 bit wide memory access. Maybe put the two 1 Gb dimms in slots 1 & 2 for cpu #1 and get a couple more for cpu #2
-- ======================================================== Angelo Secchi PGP Key ID:EA280337 ======================================================== Current Position: Graduate Fellow Scuola Superiore S.Anna Piazza Martiri della Liberta' 33, Pisa, 56127 Italy ph.: +39 050 883365 email: ========================================================