Hi, Sorry about the (only slightly) off-topic post, but I was about to file a bug report about arts, when I saw the following comment on KDE bug 111838 http://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=111838 ------- Additional Comment #1 From Seb Ruiz 2005-09-01 01:37 ------- Unfortunately, your backtrace indicates the problem is within arts, not amarok, but we can't be sure since it is a poor backtrace. Additionally, the arts engine does not have a maintainer, so it is not guaranteed to work and there is nobody to fix the problem. SUSE 9.3 AMD64 uses arts for a lot of multimedia stuff. I have seen arts crashes in amarok and noatun for example. And yet what seems to be a perfectly legitimate bug is closed as INVALID because there is nobody to maintain arts? Why does SUSE Linux depend on software which can't be fixed because it is not maintained by anyone? What is supposed to have replaced arts by now and why doesn't SUSE 9.3 use it? What does SUSE 10.0 do about this? In the meantime, how do I rip arts out of my system and what do I replace it with? gstreamer? Which packages does this affect? juk? amarok? noatun? kaffeine? kdetv? Best regards, Paul Leopardi See also A note on further development and maintenance http://www.arts-project.org/doc/arts-maintenance.html aRts maintenance http://lists.kde.org/?l=kde-core-devel&m=110200188523177&w=2 A Note From the Author of aRts http://dot.kde.org/1102062404/ Wanted: aRts-engine maintainer for amaroK http://mail.kde.org/pipermail/kde-multimedia/2005-January/004069.html