Onsdag 17 november 2004 18:10 skrev Örn Hansen:
onsdag 17 november 2004 00:42 skrev Johan Nielsen:
Tirsdag 16 november 2004 22:56 skrev Joe Morris (NTM):
Jörg Hermsdorf wrote:
Well, there are no x86_64 packman xine-lib packages, yet. I tried to build the packman-src.rpm for x86_64 serveral times, but never with success.
Did you also build the packages needed for dependencies?
Since we are on the subject of xine-lib, dvd and related stuff. I noticed a few months ago, that there are emerging libraries for Linux, that are legal. Does SuSE have any plans, in providing legal dvd playback libraries in the future?
Raising my head from the inside of the cabinet of a fresh assembled PC (AMD64 what else). I haven't got a clue. But to me they simply have to, to compete in the consumermaket. Lets start some speculation on that topic. What will it take SuSE to be competitive for real in the consumermarket. 1. High up on that list will be no hazzle "working" multimedia. 2. Support of people doing projects like the ivtv drivers for pvr 250/350 cards http://ivtv.sourceforge.net/. Supplying them with a free copy of the distro would be a very smart and supportive move. 3. Making mythTV.org as one example a part of the distribution. 4. But Xchm / chmlib wouldn't be bad to have around too. If they plan on moving people with a lot of publications/ebooks in that format. Just two examples that would make my life with Linux more fun/interesting. And I bet that each user has one or two applications they'd like to see blossom together with the SuSE distro. Johan