On Tue, 2004-10-26 at 11:28 +0300, Marios K. wrote:
I am new to the list and sorry if these questions are allreaedy answered. 1.I am trying to comile Mplayer 1pre5. My configure script is /configure --with-x11libdir=/usr/X11R6/lib64 --libdir=/usr/lib64 --prefix=/usr --disable-fbdev --enable-gui --enable-menu But is there anyway to compile mplayer using also win32-support? When i enable this option the compile crashes when using wine, since ( i think ) it doesn't support 64 bit.
Quick answer... No but all the gpl stuff will play almost everything anyway... long answer don't compile it as 64bit compile it as 32bit (prepend linux32 to the build process steps)
2.I compiled succesufully xine-lib (with a lot of problems since some libraries like theora, libvorbis since the compilation stops so i had to disable them). But when i try to compile gxine it says cannot find -lXtst and stops. Whats wrong?
It's an X library. make sure you have X develoment librarys and headers installed, or compile xorg from source =-)
Any help would be appreciated. Thanks