Yes, the GA-K8VT800 supports C'n'Q with Linux. But You should update Your Bios to the latest release. I had with the Bios versions prior F10 problems with my K8VT800 Pro with Linux and C'n'Q. I had to use a unofficial bios version, I got from Gigabyte support to enable C'n'Q with Linux. With F10 everything works fine. Moritz
according to the Gigabyte website, this motherboard is certified to work with the amd64's cool n quiet technology. What do I need to do to enable this feature?
Also, does the amd64 2800+ support hypertransport? according to the suseplugger, hypertransport is listed as an unknown. I'd also like to take advantage of this too, if the 2800+ does it.
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