Andreas Bittner wrote:
i hear that there are rumours about suse moving to a community based distro with their suse linux pro/per products, and leaving sles for the corp/business customers.
similar to what redhat did with their fedora distro.
dont know if this rumour could turn out to be true.
I can't belive that. 18 months ago, I read a SuSE statement how they make money. It's nearly 50 to 50 with the business to privat products. So, they need to sell both, to get money for their own workers or supporting some linux projects (eg: KDE). And so long the working in Germany* (or Europe) goes on, I have no problem to pay ~100 Eur or $ for the 2 updates/year. But fact is: the source code from Yast2 is free, since SLES9 and that is great! * (That's the reason I buy SuSE) -- Ciao Marco, registered GNU/Linux-User 313353