Dear all, Hardware version-1.0 MSI-K8D Master F board with the AWARD BIOS 2.0 (just updated), two 240 CPUs. one-to-four 512MB ECC registered DDR s. A powerful 550 watt EPS12 power supply from.Entec. First boot attempt gave me memory error-beeps from the motherboard. I then got rid of memory sticks one after one. Two sticks in a pair got rid of the memory error beeps. I am not sure whether it really is the error in the memory. We finally got the SuSE-installation screen from the SuSE-amd64 Beta-9 CD. However, nothng works after that, even though I did "acpi=off noapic" which has been suggested by many. Apprently it is a kernel-panic with the keyboard LEDs blinking constantly. It sometimes went down to Northbridge kernel driver istallation. It then stops. In one case it went down further. But in the middle of installation, it stopped. I borrowed the SuSE's United Linux Server CD. It also failed. similarly. It appears that the kernel in all those CD's are so much out-dated. Therefore, the only hope I now have is to put the new custom-compiled kernel, put it either in a CD or in a floppy. Too much trouble for me. I hate that. I think the most reasonable thing to do at this point is to just wait till SuSE comes up with the release version of SuSE-amd64 CDs. What date in October can I order or preorder? Thanks. Hugh