On Fri, 24 Mar 2006, Eugene Chu wrote:
On Fri, Mar 24, 2006 at 12:31:28PM -0800, pierre wrote:
Googling around I read claims and counterclaims stating that neither AMD or Intel has "true 64-bit", whatever that means.
I wonder if they're referring to the old DEC Alpha systems which ran "Tru64 UNIX". They were 64 bit ONLY, none of this 32 bit compatible feature of the 64 bit offerings from other vendors. It's funny that we are still worrying about 32/64 bit mix-ups 15 years after the Alpha systems forced everyone to either rebuild their code or get new COTS software (and about 5 years after its demise).
It was a common claim from pushers of Itanium-based kit that Opteron (this is pre-EM64T and AMD64) wasn't "true 64bit". I'll give neither names nor brands here, the guilty must also be protected... :) Bjørn -- Bjørn Tore Sund Phone: (+47) 555-84894 Stupidity is like a System administrator Fax: (+47) 555-89672 fractal; universal and Math. Department Mobile: (+47) 918 68075 infinitely repetitive. University of Bergen VIP: 81724 Support: http://bs.uib.no Contact: teknisk@mi.uib.no Direct: bjornts@mi.uib.no