7 Oct
7 Oct
Except that USB won't work (at least for me) ... is some issue with the compat. layer that should enable 32bit apps (like VMWare) to access the 64bit kernel calls. Some calls are not mapped, and they are definitely not easy to fix. Otherwise, it works for me, too. -- Wolfgang Voos David Bottrill sagte:
On Wednesday 06 October 2004 21:45, jerry bookter wrote:
I'm also wondering, have SuSE and VMware gotten the incompatibility problems fixed yet on 64 bits?
Works fine for me, I just get a couple of silly messages when I start a VM, but once it gets going it works fine
-- David Bottrill
www.bottrill.org Registered Linux user number 330730 Internet SIP Phone: 1-747-244-2699