simple trick ... mark it as a block .... and see the text in reverse coloring. This might not fix your problem but at least you're able to see if you're scaring people away with what you type ;-) As for the java thing ..... did you look around for a more fresh pack at some of the suse sites (ftp ........ / supplementary / other places ) Johan Onsdag 12 oktober 2005 13:06 skrev Mike Roy:
Hello everyone: I'm using a sevice called Lavalife to find my next true love. One of Lavalife's features is an online chat program using java. On my laptop I have both Windows XP Home and SuSE 9.3 (64-bit mode). Recently I downloaded java 5.0 (I think) and successfully installed it under windows so the chat program works properly. However, under Linux, I can't see the text I'm typing until I hit the 'enter' key. There are some small marks in the 'text box' but nothing readable appears until it goes into the chat window. I went to java.com and downloaded:
I followed the install instructions and everything seemed to work OK. When I tried to 'confirm' the install from the java.com site (verify installation), it did find my java runtime environment but said it wasn't the latest flavor. It was, however, the latest flavor in the Linux lineup. Even with java installed, the invisible text problem still exists. Did I do something or not do something? Any help greatly appreciated. Cheers, Mike