--- wolfgang_bauer@inode.at schrieb: > Hi Joel,
I had a Soundblaster live! built in my old computer and it worked really well with Suse 9.0 (at least with the 32bit version).
With Suse 9.1 I experienced some troubles with my new computer using the onboard-sound-chipset: With every reboot, suse knows the soundcard but all the settings are gone and it does not work (deleting and re-installing the soundcard with yast is annoying but helps).
I dont know if this problem occurs with sb-live as well and if it's suse9.1-specific...
Have you saved the settings using "alsactl store" ? lg, franz ___________________________________________________________ Bestellen Sie Y! DSL und erhalten Sie die AVM "FritzBox SL" für 0. Sie sparen 119 und bekommen 2 Monate Grundgebührbefreiung. http://de.adsl.yahoo.com