6 May
6 May
CRAP! I have this cool shuttle pc, with an sata hd, and a CD-R, but no DVD drive. I have been waiting patiently for a linux distro that supports silicon image's SATA and is for AMD64 systems, and the live 9.1 CD proved suse is it! GREAT! but the amd64 stuff is on a single DVD only!!!!!! Is there a place I can download CD isos for 9.1 AMD64? If not, why not? Who is the all knowing sage that determined you can't have an AMD64 pc with out a DVD? PLEASE HELP!!!!! p.s. I can hook my pc into a network and install the AMD64 version from there, but I need a CD to boot from cause I don't have a floppy drive, although I can hook one up if I had to.