Hello Tommy, thank you, yes after receving the mail from Andi Kleen, I send a email to 'feature-request@vmware.com'. Are there better email adresses for this purpose ? detlef Tommy Thorn wrote:
detlef oertel wrote:
I tried to install my vmware 4 on my suse 9.0/amd64 system. After installing I fail to configure vmware. The error message is:
"The kernel defined by this directory of header files does not have the same address space size as your running kernel."
With the risk of stating the obvious, did you contact VMware support (I assume you have a licenced copy)? Voicing the request for x64 support through the appropriate channels will increase the chance of it happening. It shouldn't be surprising that the current VMware doesn't work on x64 as it is rather deeply involved with the OS. However there are no technical obstacles to making a x86 (32 bit) enabled x64 (64 bit) VMware (x64 on x64 is probably possible too, but is a lot more work).
Disclaimer: I work for VMware.