onsdag 05 maj 2004 13:43 skrev Franz Mach:
i have the MSI VIA K8T800 Neo FIS2R (i think that's nearly the same as your board) with Major 2x512MB DDR400 RAM. i'm using SuSE 9.1 (64bit) primerly i had many grave stability problems. i needed about 3 trials to boot the machine and there appeared manies of freezes and suddenly reboots. at last i couldn't make a normally shutdown, after the line "sending all processes the TERM signal" the system hung up allways. after installing all patches that are available with YOU i can shutdown and restart but there were still many system crashes. the integrated Realtek network adapter and the also integrated Realtek ALC655 sound chip don't work and produced thousands of error messages - after removing the drivers for both devices no more hangups during the bootup happened and now i have very few of the KDE Freezes/Crashes then before i removed the sound/network drivers. i wouldn't say that the system is now "stable" but "workable" - now i have about one crash in 4 hours and before it crashed about every 30 minutes (the boot and shutdown hangs which no langer appear not counted ;-)
I had no crashes, until I updated the bios and inactivated that SATA and RAID controllers (Because otherwise my IDE would turn up as hde and hdf). By simply turning off DMA, there are no crashes here. The Realtek ethernet controller is controlled by 'r8169' driver and you can set it up manually, YaST tried to use 8139too here, which won't work. I got the audio to work here, with 6 channels no less (but only in kernel 2.6), the trick was to use alsaconfig to setup the sound, but I still don't get any sound in kde/arts. It's to be noted, that I have SuSE 9.0 with apt4rpm for x86_64 updates installed (kernel 2.6.5).