On Wed, May 05, 2004 at 08:10:42AM -0400, Neal D. Becker wrote:
Hi. I'm a long time Fedora user, but am thinking about trying suse-9.1 on = my=20 amd64. It looks like suse-9.1 will have all my favorite packages, but one= =20 thing that is important and I don't see listed is gcc-3.4. According to=20 information I read from the gcc devel list, gcc-3.4 has some significant=20 performance optimizations for amd64 architecture.
Currently, fedora builds everything with gcc-3.3, but ships a seperate gcc-= 3.4=20 also. Packages are installed as /usr/bin/gcc34, for example.
All of the 3.4 performance enhancements, especially those for amd64 are backported to the 3.3.3 gcc we ship. (And SuSE did most of those amd64 specific enhancements btw.) Ciao, Marcus