Hello, I just finished building a machine with this motherboard, and need to install SuSE 9.3 Pro on it. It has 2 Opterons 252. Since this is the very first time I install the 64 bit version of SuSE on a 2 CPU Opteron machine, I have several questions in my mind, that somebody might be kind enough to answer: 1. How van I tell whether the motherboard recognizes both CPUs? 2. When I boot from the DVD, I go into rescue system option. I can then tell that it has loaded the 64 bit version of the kernel. However, when I cat /proc/cpuinfo, apparently I can only see 1 CPU. Also, when doing a zcat of /proc/config.gz, I see SMP is off. Now, this is the rescue system option, I haven't performed an install yet. However, does this mean that Linux i seeing only one CPU? Or once I do the insyall, it will normally see both? Or do I have to configure /recompile / install a new kernel? 3. Any other issue I should be aware of? Thanks for the help! ________________________________________ Ricardo R Palma SYNOPSIS SA Telef. (+51 1) 275-4941 / 275-4708 / 275-7523 email : rrpalma@synopsis.ws www.synopsis.ws