Hmmmm. Not sure about the udev. I'll check. The kernel and whatever else were downloaded through the apt repositories. Those repositories clearly separate the different versions of SuSE. As for the modules compiled into the kernel, if the right modules are compiled into the kernel, than I may not need mkinitrd at all, or am I wrong? CF Andreas Gruenbacher wrote:
On Sunday 10 April 2005 21:03, Constantine 'Gus' Fantanas wrote:
I have the same problem. And yes, my mkinitrd is up to date according to synaptic.
Did you update udev as well? You can get verbose output by adding ``linuxrc=trace'' to the command line. It may be that there are other incompatibilities between 9.2 and 9.3 that require some more package updates...
I will try to compile all the modules necessary for booting into the kernel.
I'm not sure what you mean.