I ran the mprime Torture Test for 20 hours, 38 minutes with 0 errors and 0 warnings. I don't know that it would be a hardware issue, because as soon as either of these games is running they are rock solid and I can play for hours on end. The only time the crashed occur is when the games are first starting. I have an NVIDIA 5900TX with an MSI K8T Neo mother board... Any further thoughts would be greatly appreciated. ~Steve
Go download mprimes and stress test your hardware....
On Tue, 2004-05-18 at 19:10, Franz Mach wrote:
--- Steve Wagoner <mars@marsonist.com> schrieb: > Whenever I try to run Unreal Tournament 2004 I have
a 1/3 chance of having my computer instantly reboot after the splash screen. Trying to run Neverwinter Nights gives me a 1:8 crash ration. I don't know what logs I might look at, or what I might be able to do to solve this problem.
Any thoughts?
i'm using also this two games with my SuSE 9.1 , now without any crashes. but primerly i this reboot as you described in UT2004 always ! after installing the kintersect patch i had it sometimes, maybe with 1/3 chance or something like that ... but i had also a lot of freezes and hangups (no reboots) while using normal KDE or X applications (no OpenGL). after updating my BIOS i had no crash at all. the NWN never crashed because i installed it after my BIOS update. Maybe this information could help you ... but without some information about the hardware you're using i think it's nearly impossible to say anything more exactly.
greetings, Franz
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