Am Mittwoch, 7. September 2005 10:07 schrieb Wilko Keegstra:
We have 3 computers with Asus A8V motherboard. 1 has no raid and uses the on board Marvell Gigabit ethernet.... NO problems (driver sk98lin loaded) 2 with raid 0 , when Marvell Gigabit ethernet is used (sk98lin driver) System locks up 3 with raid 1, when Marvell Gigabit ethernet is used (sk98lin driver) system locks up
So the right drivers are used, but on the systems with raid (VIA VT8237) the system will hang sooner or later (but within minutes).
I have two computers with Asus A8V deluxe mobo, 4 sata (software raid) and 1 ata. Problems when using lftp mirror to get data from this computers after reboot --> Kernel oops in sk98lin. If I made some network traffic (rsync-ed something from another box to the Asus box) before doing the lftp thing, everything was fine and the box was somewhat stable until the next reboot. For more details, see my posts "suse 9.3 - nfs or ftp - freeze" 7.6.2005 in this list and/or "Suse 9.3 und Asus A8V - freeze" 7.6.2005 in "suse-linux" list. Software raid on 4* SATA works fine as long as all disks are found on boot. (Known problem with VT8237, see http://www.heise.de/newsticker/meldung/62189) My solution for the sk98lin problem: Just installed OpenSuse with Kernel 2.6.13, which includes a replacement for the sk98lin: skge. This one works great!! Note: I did a system update from 9.3 to oss10-beta4 and had to change the settings for the network card via yast to use skge instead of sk98lin. Did not test the other stuff yet (NFS, bad block IDE on promise ..) Burkhard