If you have an LCD monitor, try lowering the refresh rate. You may have to lower the resolution, or just adjust the screen size within the same resolution.
I have a set of LCD monitors that are very sensitive to their refresh rate and show these symptoms.
On Tue, 30 Aug 2005 18:36:50 -0700 Pierre Patino <> wrote:
I've been experiencing an annoyance since I built this box. Every once in a while, a few times per day, the video goes blank for a couple of seconds and then comes back as if nothing happened. I'm using the nvidia-supplied drivers and the digital video output. Any clues? TIA&Cheers
Th refresh is at 60Hz and the monitor is running at its native resolution of 1600x1200. Since I'm using the DVI, I have no screen size control. Hmmm... perhaps it is the monitor. Too bad I don't have a spare one to test.