24 Jan
24 Jan
I noticed a posting to this list with the same subject from a month or so back, but I can't find any resolution. Here is the original posting: http://lists.suse.com/archive/suse-amd64/2004-Nov/0089.html And another similar one: http://lists.suse.com/archive/suse-amd64/2005-Jan/0122.html I'm seeing this same issue and was wondering if there has been any resolution. I'm running: Linux pedro 2.6.5-7.135-default #1 Wed Dec 15 21:30:01 UTC 2004 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux With the following: postfix 2.1.1-1.4 mysql-Max 4.0.18-32.1 Anybody have any ideas? Would upgrading help? If so, anyone have an rpm with mysql support built in for the latest postfix? -Dan