Hi, I'm sorry to say, but a even a deep, long look into my crystal ball didn't show me the gory details, which are required to help you here. I'm sorry to say, but somehow your printer problem is cursed by deep black magic spell, because I cannot even catch your printer model name, and all the other important informations are missing either: like the URL where you downloaded which brother driver, if you are using or not the installed "printer driver", etc. Even your installed SUSE version is covered by big cloud of mist and shown to in my crystal ball. These are very, very bad signs. But, don't worry, as Brother doesn't want to supported Linux, the final outcome might be, that even SUSE might not give you the searched help. We might don't have enough informations about your printers. Are you sure, that the downloaded Brother Linux driver is 64bit clean? Finally I must tell you that HP is doing a very great job regarding Linux printing. They develop and offer OpenSource drivers for all of their printers at SourceForge. So these drivers can be taken by us, and adapted to run on any supported platform and architecture. HP is the only known vendor, who does this and for years now. So, if you are thinking about buying next printer, this might information influence your decision? Maybe you want to enlighten us and tell us which printer model, which driver, which SUSE version, etc. you are running. Thanks in advance. Best regards, Klaus. Joel Webb wrote:
We are having major problems with our Athlon 64 system that is being used as a desktop.
We are running a Brother printer that is not listed in the drivers list, but has been printed to using the gimp-print driver. (known to work the largest number of printers)
Now Brother doesn't "support" linux, but they do provide linux drivers for some of their other printers. Also the printer is similar to our HP laserjet, and it runs flawlessly.
It seems most of the issues are coming from printing from OpenOffice, which seems weird. But it gets even weirder. Now looking at the print queue it looks like this:
krusty:~ # lpq mfc7820n is ready and printing Rank Owner Job File(s) Total Size active brian 4 (stdin) 6144 bytes 1st brian 5 Untitled1 26624 bytes 2nd brian 6 Job Report - KJobViewer 56320 bytes 3rd brian 7 file:/// 232448 bytes 4th brian 8 file:/// 232448 bytes 5th brian 9 file:/// 232448 bytes
But nope, it isn't printing. Any suggestions?? We have removed the printer, and re-added it. Hooked it up directly through USB, and also had it networked as well. While the printer was networked, we could only get one page to be sent to the printer and then the CUPS server said the printer "wasn't ready" any more.
Any suggestions??
-- Thanks Again,
Joel Webb President and CEO WebbGroup Network Systems L.L.C. Home of: www.TheCreativeInvestor.com www.AllYouCanRent.com www.SellAnyHouseQuick.com 703-778-5755 x101
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-- Klaus Singvogel SUSE LINUX Products GmbH Maxfeldstr. 5 E-Mail: Klaus.Singvogel@SuSE.de 90409 Nuernberg Phone: +49 (0) 911 740530 Germany GnuPG-Key-ID: 1024R/5068792D 1994-06-27