Re: [opensuse-marketing] PromoDVDs 11.3 - clear our stock

On Fri, Feb 18, 2011 at 8:58 AM, Kim Leyendecker <> wrote:
Am 18.02.2011 14:16, schrieb Henne Vogelsang:
Just to emphasize this. This is not only about clearing the stock somehow. There are trash bins for that. But one of our sponsors (Novell) has payed for those DVDs and we owe it to them to not let the DVDs go to waste. And those 11.3 DVDs are perfect for introducing people to openSUSE!
I know that a lot of people think that you can/should only give out the latest and greatest, hence the soon to be released 11.4, and that older versions aren't any good as promo DVDs because, well, they are old. This might be true for ourselves and other FOSS addicts but it's definitely not true for the normal folks out there for whom we do the promo DVDs in the first place. 11.3 is still good for a year, its a great version and by now far more stable then 11.4 will be for the next couple of weeks. It's less surprising, has more mature software and is well spread among people. Qualities a newcomer wants.
So if you have the chance to spread promo DVDs somewhere, your local community center, school or university’s support desk. Your sports club, the next punk concert you attend or in your brothers bar. The computer club or internet cafe around the corner. Anywhere where people might pick them up and try them, go for it!
Promo DVDs are not only about handing them out to people you know that are interested in Linux. This is about spreading them among the general public. You would be surprised how many people find a nice, shiny, green openSUSE DVD interesting enough to finally try this Linux thing they heard about so much on the internet.
So if you can think of anything just contact Jacqueline about the amount you need and where she needs to send it. Oh and don't be shy about the amount, we don't need to scrimp on them! If you think you can get spread 2.000 we send you 2.000. Every DVD that is out there, is out there any might result in a new openSUSE user. This is the perfect opportunity to do something good for the project, take it!
What´s special about the Promo DVD? Have they any software, the normal DVD or the normal KDE/GNOME live CD hasn´t? If somebody here wants openSUSE, I borrow her or him my Box-version or download her or him a KDE-live CD and burn it to a media.
Maybe we can ask some linux magazines to publish one of it with the next issue of their magazine? Great PR if you ask me.
-- Kim Leyendecker ( openSUSE Ambassador powered by openSUSE 11.4 RC1 | KDE 4.6 | Kernel-desktop 2.6.37-20.1 | using Tumbleweed openSUSE Profilname: openLHAG (OpenLHAG) Have you tried SUSE Studio? Need to create a Live CD, an app you want to package and distribute , or create your own linux distro. Give SUSE Studio a try.
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Kim, They are great to handout to people to try. They are live DVD with both the 64-bit/32Bit on them. Those that try the DVD can select between Gnome and KDE. Then once tried it, they can install it, or not. Henne is right that we need get these and pass them. The key is to hand them out and promote openSUSE, Novell paid a good bit for those. The box edition, people have to pay for. Free is always good. The Ambassadors need to send in request ask for them so they have them on hand. In fact I chaallenge all the Ambassadors to request them and go to your local user group and help promote openSUSE. I know here were I live there are tons of user group, college and Linux Install Fest going on. I am currently out and will request more. One key thing to remember is if there are a lot left over, Novell can choose not to print a lot and cause a shortage when we do need them. Pup -- ----------------------------------------- Discover it! Enjoy it! Share it! openSUSE Linux. ----------------------------------------- openSUSE -- openSUSE Ambassador/openSUSE Member skype,twiiter,identica,friendfeed -- terrorpup freenode(irc) --terrorpup/lupinstein Register Linux Userid: 155363 Have you tried SUSE Studio? Need to create a Live CD, an app you want to package and distribute , or create your own linux distro. Give SUSE Studio a try. -- To unsubscribe, e-mail: For additional commands, e-mail:
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Chuck Payne