Dear Chuck Payne, geekos, lizards, ambassadors, board, fellows, mates, friends and all openSUSE enthusiastic, I don't know how to work/express myself using ascii art symbols and icons for representing our mods then .. "I'm very happy" and as this simple "I'm very happy" does not really reflect what I my felling now, I will try again, "F*$#@$ sh@#, I'm so happy that I fell I can touch the moon" eheh can you imagine a geeko ambassador touching the moon? I can :D well... at least I try to express myself how much proud and optimist I am with the actual and future moment of openSUSE Ambassadors program. If we are not where we like and "deserve" to be, we need to stop for a while and remember not so long time ago, how we were - please do not ask me about how was, this is personally and we may like or not like to share this opinion, and I do not like to spend any time or let any comments from the past because we have much good things to talk and take take for the present time and future - But what I mean is that we as ambassadors finally find the perfect wave to surf and we are on the top of that ready to drop down and make history for the rest of our ambassadors program life doing a good surfing and teaching others how they can do the same or even better from now to for ever. Thanks for bryen, aj, gnokii, and others that are working and believing in ambassadors program from early ages also to the new pre-mature geeko jos that comes from the lizard to the master geeko in a speed of light but that also brings to us such power and energy aboard. I really like the video idea, should I ask to use it in any or all openSUSE ambassadors speech for latinoware? This video not only is a good prove of fact that we are going in the correct way, but as someone said before will bring some life, bloody, energy and a kind of real contact opportunity to let all ambassadors to meet each other. will be fun and this video must keep going as long as the future of the planet ;-) I like the idea about to use same ambassador program t-shirts for this video (I believe gnokii can give us a big hand on this), or even any similar background, or every ambassador record a video with blue background to let us to work with chroma key effect. But In my opinion will be more real, more fun, more realistic, if we as ambassadors goes to some worldwide famous local place and record from there, like in Brasil I can go to redentor Christ in Rio de Janeiro, our geeko friend Alexjan Carraturo in Milan can take a video using Giuseppe Meazza Stadium as background, Barry could have Big Bang tower or Trafalga square from London as one... Now is time to some cool and relax geeko's videos for all of us best geeko sounds PS: how geeko will be looking in the next two years, we don't know but we can take a look at how he was looking for the last ones PS2: Hey ambassador did you see any similarity with following video and yourself? what if we do a similar one for openSUSE. It's not difficult i think, take a look, Hey Manu this is for you but fits even better for suserocks very, very, very long time ago,true! ;). Good work guys, I'm so pleased to be part of this team Do not forget to let you funny face on video and see you around CarlosRibeiro Proud to be openSUSE Ambassador Em Qui, 2010-10-14 às 12:50 -0400, Chuck Payne escreveu:
On Thu, Oct 14, 2010 at 12:45 PM, Koushik Kumar Nundy <> wrote:
Who's read this? Henne's work apparently.
The video needs to be which of the following? 1. Hi, I am X. I am Geeko. (English) 2. Hi, I am X. I am Geeko. (Native) 3. 1 then 2 4. 2 then 1. 5. Anything else?
And I personally think 4:3 is a better idea. What about the others?
KKnundy sound great. Only thing for people like me for US,Canada,Uk, and Downunder, we can't do 2 because English is our native.
So it sound like I am Geeko. Something to think about later, we talk about do uniforms (shirts) that would be a cool ambassador shirt. On the front openSUSE, on the back, I am Geeko.
Cool, we need someone that do video editing and place to put the videos.
Sounds great guys. -- ----------------------------------------- Discover it! Enjoy it! Share it! openSUSE Linux. ----------------------------------------- openSUSE -- openSUSE Ambassador/openSUSE Member skype,twiiter,identica,friendfeed -- terrorpup freenode(irc) --terrorpup/lupinstein
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