On Wed, Nov 21, 2012 at 6:45 AM, Jos Poortvliet <jos@opensuse.org> wrote:
And does it make a difference if you also have other things, like stickers, posters, t-shirts and such - do you then need less, or more DVD's?
T-Shirts, Posters, and other swag items do make a difference. People love the stuff gecko, I hold on to those to pass out to people that really want to use openSUSE. At one Linux Fest because I only had two, I told a few people if they were willing to install openSUSE there I would give them gecko, and I did have two people do it. T-Shirts I give out to those will watch and try out and openSUSE. We have sold t-shirts to help out a Linux Fest I was at. The fest have loved us for that. I usually I take print out one pages documents with commands like the poster that I did for openSUSE. I always have a couple other one page man pages. I think if we could so some small pages on how to use SUSE Studio and OBS that those would be a bit hit as well. The people that usually get the DVD, get the stickers and place them on their laptops. I have request for cooler stickers. Like those gecko that Novell did a few back. Or the cards that Carlos made for SCALE. So sticker a big items. I have even had a quest for SUSE Studio Roboman as stickers. I have had a requested for usb drives with openSUSE install it so that people can use on their netbooks and other devices. The only thing that hasn't been popular was those ipod man things. So yes, please keep the t-shirt, posters, stickers, and other items. People love them, I can tell you that they are unhappy when we don't have any swag items. -- Terror PUP a.k.a Chuck "PUP" Payne (678) 636-9678 ----------------------------------------- Discover it! Enjoy it! Share it! openSUSE Linux. ----------------------------------------- openSUSE -- en.opensuse.org/User:Terrorpup openSUSE Ambassador/openSUSE Member Community Manager -- Southeast Linux Foundation (SELF) skype,twiiter,identica,friendfeed -- terrorpup freenode(irc) --terrorpup/lupinstein Register Linux Userid: 155363 Have you tried SUSE Studio? Need to create a Live CD, an app you want to package and distribute , or create your own linux distro. Give SUSE Studio a try. www.susestudio.com. See you at Southeast Linux Fest, June 8-10, 2012 in Charlotte, NC. www.southeastlinuxfest.org -- To unsubscribe, e-mail: opensuse-ambassadors+unsubscribe@opensuse.org To contact the owner, e-mail: opensuse-ambassadors+owner@opensuse.org