On Wednesday 11 May 2011 17:17:26 Alan Clark wrote:
I like the drawings, but want to issue a challenge. Anyway that you could incorporate "Zentrifuge" into the art? I admit up front that I don't have any good ideas, but with such a cool location name, it begs to be used. :-)
Alan has a good point. In any case, we have two poster designs now, I linked to both of them from: http://en.opensuse.org/openSUSE:Conference_artwork#Official_Poster We have the one by Robert Lihm with the big Qr code and the one with Germany & Nuremberg. I personally like both quite a bit but the idea of Zentrifuge (see http://bit.ly/qmEtr7 for inspiration). The suse labs logo might also be used, but I can't find that one. Bet Robert knows where it is and can put it in git ;-) So as I mailed before to the artwork list, ONE of these two poster designs will end up in all linux-magazine magazines (english, german and other ones) next month. I'm unsure if the poster(s) need work for that. Can we put a poster about the oSC in a magazine which has pretty much only a logo and a Qr code? Maybe we should, it IS cool, I dunno... I feel we should tell ppl 'everyone invited' or something. Or do something with Zentrifuge, I dunno. I suck at art, as you know. So, if anyone comes up with an improved version of one of the posters, that'd be awesome. Otherwise, we will have to pick from these two.