Hi, I'm working to create a list of events around the world that openSUSE might (want to) go to - with associated info like size and target audience. This will help us decide where to send materials and/or people to. And now I need your help... You're the people who go to events, so if we're going to make a list and decide how to support them and how important they are, we need to hear from you! Please, open the google spreadsheet if you can, and spend a little time to add information about events I've forgotten or correct what I have. The ones with green are ones I know are properly in there, the ones with red really need some input - the ones without a color I'm unsure about. If you know about an event and can add the info, make it green - so others don't spend brain cells on it ;-) The numbers mean: how likely are you to talk to (1=very unlikely - 5=very likely): * Business people * Developers * Students * Average users * FOSS knowledge = do the people know what the 'Free' in 'Free Software means (like they do at a GNOME hackfest for example, score 5) or do they have no clue (at a generic tech event, score 1) * How likely are you to bump into international folks (1 = the website is only in $local language - 5 = everyone speaks English and comes from 5 continents at once) * How technical are the sessions (1 = how to use LibreOffice - 5 = kernel drivers are easy) I hope you have some time for this!! If events are missing, please add them. Even if you don't have all the details - the more we have, the better. If I forgot someone who knows many events and might want to help, please add him/her. The link: http://bit.ly/R0OByW Hugs and lots of thanks, Jos