On 2010-11-06 Chuck wrote:
On Mon, Oct 25, 2010 at 11:29 AM, Chuck Payne <terrorpup@gmail.com> wrote:
Lights, Camera, Action! (Sorry for the cross posting but I want to make sure everyone see this)
Hello. This is the second call to all openSUSE Ambassadors. We are working on a video to add to the wiki and to show that we are golbal community.
We did one already that was shown at OSC10, but we didn't get a lot of people as you can see.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VKH_MxTI-mU (Thanks Koushik Nundy for uploading this to You Tube)
We want more.
Here are the guide lines.
1) A video about 1 minute. Intro yourself, where you are from, and then says. I am Geeko -or- I am Lizard. Both in English and your native tounge. 2) Please use some type of marker to let me know where you begin and where you end. 3) Please check your audio before sending, we are going to add music so if you are soft or the audio is low, we won't be able to hear you. 4) If you don't have video, send me a picutre with audio. I will working it. 5) Please give give me your name and nick so that I can tag in the video. 6) Have fun. :-)
I haven't turn on ftp site. I will send a follow up to this e-mail to let everyone know when it up. It should be about 2AM UTC ( 9PM EST)
ftp.magidesign.com ( Userid: geeko Password: @mb@ss@d0r
Dead line November 5th.
Chuck Payne/Terror PUP
-- ----------------------------------------- Discover it! Enjoy it! Share it! openSUSE Linux. ----------------------------------------- openSUSE -- en.opensuse.org/User:Terrorpup openSUSE Ambassador/openSUSE Member skype,twiiter,identica,friendfeed -- terrorpup freenode(irc) --terrorpup/lupinstein
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I am pushing this out to December 15th. ( Happy Birthday suseROCKS)
The ftp site as change as well. It's
And it's up. Again sorry for the delay, been a single dad for a week and sick. Don't be sorry for having a real life ;-) Thanks for the work, the video was cool at the conf (and I still have it on my laptop, I use it here and there to show the ppl of openSUSE altough it's "only" the ambassadors)