Docker Engine on SLES (s390x)

Hi, can someone please explain those two requirements mentioned explicitly in official docker documentation? What restrictions do they mean? Compare to docker page in OpenSUSE Wiki without those hints (lost a link for latter). " 1. Other architectures, including x86_64, aren't supported for SLES. 2. You must add the OpenSUSE SELinux repository. This repository is not added by default. " Further, there's explicitly RHEL9 for s390x only. What gets me confused because docker is technically available for all architectures. "The installation instructions on that page refer to packages for RHEL on the s390x architecture (IBM Z). Other architectures, including x86_64, aren't yet supported for RHEL." All in all, maybe it is possible to run Fedora (Rawhide or stable) inside a RHEL or SLES/OpenSUSE with docker environment? <rant> Run docker inside yet another docker? </rant> Regards Raphael

Hi Raphael, IBM has established a partnership with Docker (and of course only for the "official supported" Linux distributions). That includes Linux support licenses for RHEL, SLES and Ubuntu for Docker. That has been an IBM related support for IBM Z (s390x). The Enterprise Linux distributions can expand it with free licenses for packaging for Docker, but they have to interact here. Community distributions are free and therefore Docker can provide all architectures.
Gesendet: Dienstag, 04. Juni 2024 um 17:44 Uhr Von: "Raphael Groner" <> An: Betreff: Docker Engine on SLES (s390x)
can someone please explain those two requirements mentioned explicitly in official docker documentation? What restrictions do they mean? Compare to docker page in OpenSUSE Wiki without those hints (lost a link for latter).
" 1. Other architectures, including x86_64, aren't supported for SLES. 2. You must add the OpenSUSE SELinux repository. This repository is not added by default. " I do not know, why this repository should be required. Our openSUSE documentation has worked really well in the past:
SUSE and openSUSE are providing also own Docker rpms: These packages are also included in openSUSE Tumbleweed. Therefore, you do not need the Docker rpms by Docker. Another installation method/documentation for Docker is via Rancher: That is also as open source available and supported by SUSE. Therefore, you can choose between Docker support by IBM via Docker and SUSE here.
Further, there's explicitly RHEL9 for s390x only. What gets me confused because docker is technically available for all architectures.
"The installation instructions on that page refer to packages for RHEL on the s390x architecture (IBM Z). Other architectures, including x86_64, aren't yet supported for RHEL."
All in all, maybe it is possible to run Fedora (Rawhide or stable) inside a RHEL or SLES/OpenSUSE with docker environment? <rant> Run docker inside yet another docker? </rant> Of course, you can run Fedora as a container inside of Docker (if Fedora is building these container images also for s390x). I know as a minimum, that it should be available (for free) in
Regards Raphael
Best regards, Sarah

Hello Raphael, The Docker Docs that you pointed to look to use the very latest docker engine. It is strange that it would only be available for s390x but that is choice by Docker. SLES 15 SP4 and SP5 include all of the packages needed to install and run the docker engine. This statement is true for all of the server architectures supported for SLES which include x86_64, s390x, ppc64le and aarch64. I encourage you to go to For the product, select SUSE Linux Enterprise Server, 15 SP5 and s390x. Search for "docker" in the Search packages section of the page while leaving (all modules) for In module. You will get 96 packages that include the name docker. The fifth line down should be "docker 24.0.7_ce-150000.198.2 Apache-2.0 Containers Module 15 SP5". The community edition version included with SLES 15 SP5 is 24.0.7. The docker package as well as many of it dependent packages are in the Containers Module. SLES needs to be registered to be able to activate the Containers Module using the YaST or the SUSEConnect command - Once the Container Module is enabled then you can install the Docker engine included in SLES - I hope this helps. Mike On 6/4/24 09:44, Raphael Groner wrote:
can someone please explain those two requirements mentioned explicitly in official docker documentation? What restrictions do they mean? Compare to docker page in OpenSUSE Wiki without those hints (lost a link for latter).
" 1. Other architectures, including x86_64, aren't supported for SLES. 2. You must add the OpenSUSE SELinux repository. This repository is not added by default. "
Further, there's explicitly RHEL9 for s390x only. What gets me confused because docker is technically available for all architectures.
"The installation instructions on that page refer to packages for RHEL on the s390x architecture (IBM Z). Other architectures, including x86_64, aren't yet supported for RHEL."
All in all, maybe it is possible to run Fedora (Rawhide or stable) inside a RHEL or SLES/OpenSUSE with docker environment? <rant> Run docker inside yet another docker? </rant>
Regards Raphael

Hallo Raphael, hallo zusammen, (for those who don't understand german: Raphael's mail and my answer are about him not receiving mailinglist posts, so (unless you are interested in admin stuff) it's probably not worth to paste them into a translation service) Am Samstag, 3. August 2024, 08:53:45 MESZ schrieb Raphael Groner:
von Mailingliste bekomme ich keine Nachrichten mehr an webde weiter geleitet, wen kann dazu fragen? Vielleicht ist meine Adresse auf Blacklist gelandet.
Grundsätzlich: admin AT (nicht .com ;-) Ich bin einer der Admins, daher nehme ich mal den kleinen Dienstweg und antworte direkt ;-) Ich habe gerade mal die Logs durchgesehen, und Deine Mail an die zsystems-Mailingliste wurde weder an Deine noch an eine passend aussehende ausgeliefert. Guck bitte mal auf nach - ob Du noch subscribt bist (vermutlich schon, sonst hättest Du hier nicht posten dürfen) - ob die Mailzustellung deaktiviert ist - falls ja, bitte aktivieren - ob die Zustellung _eigener_ Mails deaktiviert ist - auch das würde erklären, warum die Mail nicht an Dich ging - ob die Zustellung von Mails, bei denen Du im CC bist, deaktiviert ist (das würde diese Mail ausschließen) Falls Du tatsächlich noch subscribt bist, sag mir bitte mit welcher Adresse - dann sehe ich nochmal etwas großräumiger in den Logs nach. Falls die Hinweise oben das Problem nicht direkt erklären und lösen, schlage ich vor, dass Du nur an mich antwortest - für die Mailingliste ist das begrenzt interessant ;-) Gruß Christian Boltz -- Es kann dadurch , daß der Rechner ( wenn er an Trenn - zeichen umbricht [Ratti erklärt ) die falschen Stellen den Begriff erwischt , zu ganz gräß "Plenken" - lichen Effekten kommen in suse-linux] !
participants (4)
Christian Boltz
Mike Friesenegger
Raphael Groner
Sarah Julia Kriesch