Awesome job Sarah! Mike On 5/8/21 7:11 AM, Sarah Julia Kriesch wrote:
Hello together,
I am happy that I can announce, that my proposal for the presentation "openSUSE on the Mainframe - The future of community distributions on IBM Z" has been accepted for the openSUSE Conference. I will tell, what we have achieved in the last half year and what is planned in the future. Such a presentation is the chance to motivate people for joining our team or using/testing it.
Our openSUSE Virtual Conference 2021 is from June 18th until June 20st 2021 ( https://events.opensuse.org/ ). I want to encourage you to join this virtual event this year, too. I can say, that I have enjoyed every openSUSE Conference until now. :) Default, you should have the option to advance your openSUSE network on this way.
Best regards, Sarah