On 28. Jan 2020, at 11:53, Lukas Ocilka <locilka@suse.com> wrote:

On 1/24/20 10:57 AM, Ancor Gonzalez Sosa wrote:
First of all, I'm moving this discussion to the yast-devel mailing list.
This is not internal team stuff.

On 1/23/20 3:36 PM, David Díaz wrote:
Hi folks!

As part of my current PBI[1], I must raise a discussion about the
default behavior of pages with tabs in the Partitioner :)

The question is simple, should we really display the "Overview" tab by
default? During the planning, it seems to some of us that it is useless
most of the time. Taking a disk with three partitions as an example, we
think it could be more practical to directly land in the "Partitions" tab.

(Re-sending what I wrote elsewhere)

I'm still using 15.1 so comments are about that state. My laptop
contains two disks by default, I use LVM, no btrfs.

- YaST Disk starts at "Available storage on *" and I never found it any
 useful as it contains everything mixed together
- Hard Disks does not list hard disks, but Disks and Partitions, again,
 not very useful, but better
- A particular disk, when selected, lands at Overview and again, I never
 found it any useful as I'm not interested in any of the info there

I'd probably really expect

- To see only disks, when I click on Hard Disks
- To go directly to partitions when selecting a disk
- To see Volumes when selecting a LV instead of seeing overview

While I agree, this highlights the fact that without more information (use-cases/epics, POC’s, reviews, tests) it is rnearly impossible to create the best solution. Do we look at the larger scope and do this right or do we implement singular feature requests based on over-specific user stories? Even with just this one change there is a lack of user information and/or testing. Waiting for bug reports as “testing” has proven to not be an effective method of understanding our true user-bases’s needs.

Obviously all this comes from use-cases. You have a different use-case
when installing a machine and different use case when you want to tune
your partitioning or get more info about disks/partitions on your
running system.

Of course, there are more ideas that I'd write here just after seeing
the partitioner after a few weeks without using it  but this is
already enough.

Thanks for opening the topic

Kenneth Wimer (wimer@suse.com)
Team Lead UX/UI Design - Products and Solutions
SUSE Software Solutions Germany GmbH
Maxfeldstr. 5
90409 Nürnberg
(HRB 36809, AG Nürnberg)
Geschäftsführer: Felix Imendörffer