That seems to work but found some other bugs during todays test round with the 23th Dec iso 06:09 < lunauk> Switching language with the iso from 23rd of December: https://download.opensuse.org/repositories/systemsmanagement:/Agama:/Devel/i... seems a bit buggy for me in Virtualbox having to choose French to get Swedish as it does not instantly update between the languages 06:12 < lunauk> its getting a mixed up between several languages 06:12 < lunauk> or atleast two 06:19 < lunauk> https://i.imgur.com/FDu3XEi.png bf got me a better laptop for xmas so now i can test Agama myself :p 06:38 < lunauk> also gnome-terminal did not start when installing GNOME with Wayland Den lör 23 dec. 2023 kl 04:29 skrev Luna Jernberg <droidbittin@gmail.com>:
Updated the Swedish translation a little now
Den lör 23 dec. 2023 kl 04:05 skrev Luna Jernberg <droidbittin@gmail.com>:
Tested in Qemu on bfs laptop with Tumbleweed with XFCE, MicroOS with GNOME and MicroOS with no DE and all installs worked fine
Spotted some errors in the Swedish translations for products.xml however (but as those are my fault i will fix those later today)
Den fre 22 dec. 2023 kl 16:03 skrev Imobach Gonzalez Sosa <igonzalezsosa@suse.com>:
Hi all,
We are pleased to announce the availability of Agama 7. Among other features, it brings:
* Allow choosing localization settings for the installed system (language, keyboard and timezone). * Use zram to reduce memory consumption. * Add support to install MicroOS and MicroOS Desktop. Drop Leap 16.0 support. * Simplified software selection based on a curated list of patterns per product. * Registration support. It is enabled for Dolomite. * Allow to select the file system type selection and to choose a policy to make space. * Support for network bonding in the unattended scenario.
If you are interested in the details, please check the announcement on our team's blog:
Regards, Imo