
please find a first draft concerning the use of messages in webYaST at: http://en.opensuse.org/YaST/Web/Docu/Style_Guide#Messages

The basic idea is to distinguish between questions and error messages:
questions will be presented as pop ups and error messages within the dialog (between header and content)

Furhtermore the idea is to simplify things for developers and users and to skip any destinction between error serverities:
there will be just one way to display errors. This doesn`t make it necessary any more to gamble whether a possible error is a warning or a critial one.
This is also a concept which was already introduced by Apple.
Informative messages should be displayed in the place where the user has his focus (e.g. a loading icon in the row where the information is to be displayed and not on the top of the content because that would mean that the content is moved down everytime a simple loading process happens).

Similar case is how to deal deal with questions:
there a distinction between informative and warning type can be skippes as well because the user is interrupted in the workflow in any case and by reducing the amount of information in the question dialog, the user is supported to focus
on the question text.

What do you think about that concept?



Martin Schmidkunz
User Experience Specialist
+49 (0) 911 740 53-346
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