
as it was discussed here last week, ruby ecosystem provides a build tool called Rake [1] .
Rake makes use of 'tasks' which define in standard Ruby syntax and Rake DSL various specific goals, e.g.
running the tests, metrics or creating the ruby gem or rpm package.

To easily share the tasks' code between yast modules it would be good to have a single
repository/package/gem with all common tasks, including constants and helper methods. I would
propose to call
it yast-rake-tasks , repository skeleton draft is available here [2] . The first tasks
for tests and metrics together with updated README file will follow soon.

We have been using such approach with webyast already [3] and it proved very useful.
There is an another repo providing packaging tasks available here [4] .
Any comments and suggestions are welcome.


[1] http://rake.rubyforge.org/
[2] https://github.com/vmoravec/yast-rake-tasks
[3] https://github.com/webyast/webyast/tree/master/webyast-tasks
[4] https://github.com/openSUSE/packaging_tasks