

Dne 5. 7. 2022 12:59 napsal uživatel Kenneth Wimer <wimer@suse.com>:


Hi all,


I would like to understand this better from a UX perspective.


What action can a user take during installation to remedy a situation in which some package couldn’t be installed?

Switch to TTY with ctrl+alt+f4 and debug.

What circumstances lead to these failures?

Anything from non-standard hardware, configuration, package selection or just outdated iso and some mirrors unavailable

Is this information available in a log file?

Should be in zypp log AFAIK, but switching to TTY and doing "tail -f /var/log/zypp/*" is not very ergonomic IMHO.

What action can a user take during installation vs after?

Manually download broken RPM to cache, do a debug, reinstall, restart installation with modified configuration to workaround an issue, ...

Is the “normal” linux text boot still accessible by a switch at the bootloader stage?

Just press esc. Or you can disable plymouth completely as a kernel param.


Best regards,



Gfs on the road