Am Dienstag, 25. Mai 2010, 12:53:03 schrieb Henne Vogelsang:
> > My problem starts that I don't find my pages anymore. I still need en.o.o just
> > to find the pages, because I don't find anything usefull via the wiki.o.o search
> > due to the new layout.
> >
> > Try to search for "Build Service" or "Build Service Concepts". Both works great in
> > en.o.o wiki, but wiki.o.o search does not deliver a single entry which makes sense to me
> > due to the new layout.
> The search is not searching all the namespaces it has to, that a missing
> feature/bug. It's supposed to search main and Portal: and if you use
> this search form:
> it will find "Build Service" or "Build Service Concepts" on Portal:Build
> Service.
Ah, great, I was not aware of that.
> > I need also to know which links will break when wiki.o.o will become the default one.
> > Will en.o.o go away? Will wiki.o.o get moved?
> Once we release, wiki.o.o will be en.o.o again. Like i said, wiki.o.o is
> temporary. What is now on en.o.o will be legacy.o.o (or something) for a
> couple of months so we can rescue content that we missed during the
> transition.
Will the name wiki.o.o still deliver the content of en.o.o ?
> > If something like this happens will break all our links in our OBS products.
> Jepp. How many links are we talking about? Shouldnt be that many right?
> You will have to push an update with this sorry. We are really trying to
> create a new wiki that is usable even if that means we have to fix other
> stuff.
Currently there are not that many. But I would like to have way more actually.
And it is already work to adapt the links (and find out where the pages went.
Okay much easier now, if the search will work for me).
> > Please tell if you think we missuse wiki/ for OBS
> Of course not. The wiki is the main source of information about the
> openSUSE project and distribution. The OBS is a major part of our project.
> > actually we plan to add way better integrated help links, which is
> > currently blocked by the unknown state of the wiki.
> [...]
> > PS: sorry if I sound a bit negative, but it really blocks OBS release
> > atm.
> I'm glad you came out of the closet then. What is blocking you exactly?
> I'm confident we can help you.
We need stable links to wiki pages.
> > In that case we need to setup our own wiki, where we can rely on.
> Don't get stupid with us Adrian :) Just work with us. OBS is very
> important but a good wiki is too. So lets work together on resolving
> this instead of throwing dirt around should we? Please.
Seriously this is an issue. I want to have way more help links in our
webui pointing to some documentation. But the wiki is only usable for us
when the standard wiki mechanisms like "move page" are used, so we do not
need to release an entire OBS just to fix links after a page move.
Adrian Schroeter
SUSE Linux Products GmbH