Here are the extensions and options for them.  Thank you for cleaning this section up, Frank.  I don't think I would call myself an expert on MediaWiki, but I have pored through the iChain authentication extension code while looking at the wiki.o.o login bug (it's fixed by the way), and it looks pretty solid to me.  It is possible that it could be related to the wiki.o.o login bug, since that did require some changes to index.php.  I will test this out and see if I can still see the problem.
##### Extensions #####
# Intersection ---------------------
# SimpleFeed -----------------------
# iChain ---------------------------
$wgAuth = new iChainAuthenticationPlugin();
# InputBox -------------------------
# FlaggedRevs ----------------------
$wgFlaggedRevsNamespaces = array(NS_MAIN, NS_IMAGE, NS_TEMPLATE, 100, 102); // SDB, Portal
$wgSimpleFlaggedRevsUI = true;
$wgFlaggedRevComments = true;
$wgFlaggedRevsLowProfile = false;
$wgFlaggedRevTabs = false;
# ParserFunctions -----------------
require_once( "$IP/extensions/ParserFunctions/ParserFunctions.php" );
# CategoryTree.php ----------------
# EventCountdown ------------------
# SemanticMediaWiki ---------------
# MultiBoilerplate ----------------
require_once( "$IP/extensions/MultiBoilerplate/MultiBoilerplate.php" );
Matthew Ehle
Web Engineer
Novell SBU
Application Development & Maintenance
Office Phone: (801) 861-2722

>>> Christian Boltz <opensuse@cboltz.de> 1/25/2010 6:47 AM >>>

on Montag, 25. Januar 2010, Frank Sundermeyer wrote:
> On Saturday 23 January 2010 08:33:41 Rajko M. wrote:
[some extensions not working for non-logged in visitors]
> the problem is that we do not have the slightest clue what is causing
>  this problem. What makes things more complicated is the fact that it
>  sometimes works, although most of the time not.
> I have set up a test wiki using the same config and the same set of
>  extensions as wiki.o.o and the problem did _not_ occur.
> I even asked on the MediWiki mailinglist but received no answers.

Can you post the list of extensions that are used on wiki.o.o?
(the include/require lines from LocalSettings.php should do)

I'm afraid that the iChain authentification could be the problem because
only this extension is specific to the openSUSE wiki.
- Did your test wiki use iChain also?
- Does wiki.o.o work if you temporary remove the iChain login extension?
  (delete all cookies before testing!)
- Did a mediawiki expert ever review the code of the iChain extension?
  (Is this extension public at all?)

The other thing that is special to the openSUSE wiki is the skin. In
theory it could also cause the problem (even if chances are low) - did
your test wiki use the openSUSE skin?


Christian Boltz
Vielleicht hat aber auch nur dein Computer so etwas wie eine eigene
Intelligenz entwickelt, so als eine Art Überlebensstrategie. Mach mal
weiter, vielleicht kommst du ja noch ganz groß raus als unfreiwilliger
Erfinder des ersten völlig selbständig kognitiven Computers.
[Matthias Houdek in suse-linux]
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