On Tuesday 05 June 2007 14:27, Christian Boltz wrote: Hi,
Am Montag, 4. Juni 2007 schrieb Frank Sundermeyer:
On Sunday 03 June 2007 21:12, Christian Boltz wrote:
Yes, but your changes discovered some new bugs ;-)
I feared that - thanks a lot for digging it it again!
Footer: * I don't think we can remove text, nor does it make sense to combine two lines in one.
Can you add some max-width then? Especially the first line would benefit from it. (The goal should be to have the "The content on ..." line as two lines with nearly equal length, which should be possible independent of the font size when using the "em" unit for max-width.)
This does not work (or at least I am not able to make it work).
Without having looked at the code: What exactly is the problem? (And: don't expect IE to understand max-width [don't know about IE7])
The page consists of two floating columns, the bigger one has got a left margin that corresponds with the width of the left column. When specifying a max width for the footer, the text is centered within the area specified by max-width and not within the parent div.
Search Box: * I would prefer to leave the round corners (they are the same as the ones used for the boxes)
round corners are OK, but they look to rounded at the search box...
Apropos search box: It seems it has a hardcoded height: which is unfortune for people who have a very large font size.
Without the fixed height, I do not see a way to make the round corners work in IE (at least not in IE 5.x)... .
Then define the fixed height for IE only please ;-)
Sigh, this will be a lot of work - the search box code needs to be rewritten completely. I will see what I can do.
Additionally, the left column width should be specified in em also. Otherwise the menu can overlap the content on high font sizes.
Yup, fixed that, too.
Too good, 1em less would be enough ;-)
Now to the problems this change discovered in combination with large font size - see screenshot on www.cboltz.de/tmp/opensuse-disco.png ;-)
Oh, come on ;-) - with a font-size that big the page is unusable anyway.
- on small screens there will be an openSUSE Disco ;-)) because "Discover it" is cut off" - the search box and the "Go" button are also cut off
Sure - they just don't fit in the parent element box anymore ;-). OK, defining the left/right margins in px and the height in em helped a lot. Nevertheless, when enlarging the font to a certain extend you will reach a point where the search box and/or the slogan won't fix anymore.
- OTOH, there's enough whitespace (to be exact: greenspace ;-) unused around these elements - so there's no real need to cut them off
- The Article / Discussion / ... bar only uses the half width, causing too much unneeded linebreaks
Should be fixed by now.
Hmm, is the warning really correct?
<pre> with a horizontal scrollbar. Maximum height is 25em. Please _do not_ use the regular <pre> if your text does not fit the box.
I would say Please _do_ use the regular <pre> (remove the "not")
Of course.
Another thing I just noticed: please add some whitespace after <div> - the next headline is too close to it. Screenshot: www.cboltz.de/tmp/div.png
This has to be defined within the individual, additional classes for div, otherwise the whole layout will break. Since there should be no need to use a regular div within the content area (use p instead), this should be OK.
OK, so <div> is reserved as freestyle element ;-) in the hope that nearly nobody uses it...
Nobody should in a wiki - why? And I wouldn't call it freestyle - it is just the bare element with no styles attached to it.
http://en.test.opensuse.org/index.php?title=Special:Allpages * I have absolutely no idea why the tables do not use the whole page width - this is why the list of all pages is messed up. Unfortunately no special style is created on this page, so there is no workaround. Please help!
Hmm, what about adding some padding (left and right) to <td> and <th> in general?
This would also make normal tables in the content area looking better (see the table on Tag_Formatting which looks quite squeezed).
Yes, seems to be the only solution
It seems you added some padding-right to <td> now.
Oh, seems I made a copy&paste error on that section ... .
Hmm, just curious: Special:Allpages has no borders at the table, Tagformatting has borders. So there *must* be a difference somewhere...
==<table><caption><tr><td><th>== {| border="1" width="50%" ;-)
Another thing that was mentioned some time ago, but obviously got lost: The grey boxes should use a slightly darker grey. The current one is nearly invisible on white (especially on laptop displays).
Not forgotten, but postponed. Anyway, it's a bit darker now ( s/F0F0F0/E0E0E0/ )
Oh, and is there a special reason why the footer in the green double box http://en.test.opensuse.org/index.php?title=Structural_Elements#Doubl e_Boxes doesn't have white text color? I doubt ;-)
Fixed. -- Regards Frank Frank Sundermeyer, Technical Writer, Documentation SUSE Linux Products GmbH, Maxfeldstr. 5, D-90409 Nuernberg Tel: +49-911-74053-0, Fax: +49-911-7417755; http://www.opensuse.org/ SUSE Linux Products GmbH, GF: Markus Rex, HRB 16746 (AG Nuernberg) "Reality is always controlled by the people who are most insane" Dogbert --------------------------------------------------------------------- To unsubscribe, e-mail: opensuse-wiki+unsubscribe@opensuse.org For additional commands, e-mail: opensuse-wiki+help@opensuse.org