>>>> David <dark.orion@gmail.com> 12/6/2011 7:50 AM >>>
>Good afternoon,
>2011/12/5 Matthew Ehle <mehle@novell.com>:
>>>Spanish wiki still has errors, as you can notice in
>>>http://esstage.opensuse.org/Especial:Categor%C3%ADasRequeridas, some
>>>"strange" symbols are being displayed where it should be showing
>> I ran the maintenance scripts on that wiki.  It looks like it's working now.
>It seems that there are still problems, as you can see in:
>There are minor issues with portals (we consider them as minor because
>they can be easily modified):
Those are fixed now, and it's all in production.

>However, our team sees the red link issue as the most important
>problem (sorry for being so repetitive, but I just communicate their
We will get to those.  There are other wikis that are pretty much unusable because of this other issue, and we want to make sure they are all taken care of before we tackle the theming problems.