Everything should be up and running now.  We had a little glitch with memcached storing some stale data, but everything else went smoothly.  Please contact me right away if you see problems.

>>>> "Matthew Ehle" <mehle@novell.com> 7/12/2010 10:25 AM >>>
>Hello All,
>Last week, I posted an article on the news blog about the schedule for the move of the new wiki to >en.opensuse.org.  To summarize, the change will begin at 17:00 UTC (~30 minutes from now) and will >last 10-15 minutes.
>Please make sure to wrap up any work you are doing on the new wiki by this time, so that you do not >lose anything.  I will send another message to the list when I am finished, and you may resume any >work you are doing at that time.
>If you have any questions, please give me a call at my office at 1 801-861-2722.