This was discussed late last year.  However, the hardware and software upgrades that were going on at the time took precedence, so the discussion went on the back burner.  In addition, the wiki upgrade last December provided much better search functionality, so that also took away a lot of motivation in that area.
However, it may be worth it to revive that discussion.  I experimented a little with both Lucene and Sphinx back in November, and I would be willing to take another look.  Setting this up will require enough work that a bug/enhancement request will have to be opened and Novell will need to put a priority on it.  That being said, I agree that the default search leaves something to be desired and I would like to see it discussed some more.

>>> C <smaug42@gmail.com> 7/16/2010 10:17 AM >>>
I have seen a lot of mails flying by about the Wiki rework etc, but..
(I may have missed the discussion) has there been any plans or thought
put into fixing the poor default search in MediaWiki?

There was a discussion about this on the Project list a few days ago,
and it brought up a very good point.  The default search within
MediaWiki is very poor to say the least.  There are a couple of
extensions for MediaWiki available that vastly improve the returned
results, especially this one:
http://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Extension:MWSearch combined with

Are there any plans to implement this extension, or do anything to
improve the search results?

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