Onto a happier subject... :)

I have written a shell script for the 1.16 update, which just so happens to work for migration of old wikis.  The script takes about 15 seconds per wiki.  It takes a little longer to get them on the Lucene search, but I could have all the wikis substantially upgraded in about 3 minutes.  Add another 10-15 minutes to set up Lucene, run the index, and restart the search engine.


>>>> "Rajko M." <rmatov101@charter.net> 09/26/10 9:02 AM >>>
>Rémy Marquis wrote:
>>On Saturday 25 September 2010 20:05:56 DenverD wrote:
> >> Denver, could you please stop to whine continuously ?
> >> We're talking about synchronizing wiki migration/updates here, you
> >> don't need to ask permission on an open wiki.
> >
> >you are right, you have a good hold this wiki thing...so..
>If you are not happy there are few options:
>1) Help us, like you started to do once upon a time;
>We need people. Isn't that obvious?
>2) Keep stings for yourself;
>No one in wiki team needs them, nor deserves them. Being ironic sometimes
>is ok, but continuously - it irritates. If you have opinion that we did not
>good job, then explain why you didn't come up with a better proposal?
>If answer is that you have no time then consider that we don't have it
>either, but we did something. Far from perfect, but it is shaping as better
>solution that the one before.
>3) Continue and see what happens;
>I've seen valuable people changing the skin. It is loss, but I handle that
>just as any other loss. Life thought me to accept them.
>I'm well aware that no one needs permission to edit wiki and this community in
>general appreciate people that are active without pushing them (just doing the
>job), so sentence that tells differently should be suspicious. Does it look
>like (sligh) irony? I hope so.
>Besides looking behind, if you memory still serves you (after long and
>successful carrier with a lot of real titles), you should remember my opinion
>about "mentoring session", and the rest of transition process. Not happy with
>every detail, but no time to search for better solutions, so accept what is on
>the table and do the best you can.
>Problem in this particular sub-thread is that due to lack of communication one
>wiki is not updated, and your misdirected sting did not add anything
>constructive to answer implicit question:"What to do to prevent this to