Hello, on Donnerstag, 31. Mai 2007, Frank Sundermeyer wrote:
On Thursday 24 May 2007 18:07, Frank Sundermeyer wrote:
Headlines: http://en.test.opensuse.org/index.php?title=Tag_Formatting#.3Ch1.3E.. ..3Ch6.3E
<h6> looks smaller than normal text - I'm not sure if this is a good idea. (Not really a problem - is there really someone who needs <h6>?)
Non-existing Page Link Colour in Top Navigation: * Yes, it looks a bit awkward on green, but on the other hand I do not want to introduce a new "non-existing page" colour just for the top navigation - this would be confusing
Unfortunately the current status looks terrible :-( so please re-think your position on that.
Link colors * a, a:hover, a:active: now dark blue * a:visited now light blue * a:hover now has got a dotted border
(Colours will likely change again, these are just a draft)
Please, please unify the underlining. Non-visited links are underlined, visited links are not. This will cause lots of confusion... I don't really care if all links are underlined or not - as long as the same policy applies to *all* links.
Footer: * I don't think we can remove text, nor does it make sense to combine two lines in one.
Can you add some max-width then? Especially the first line would benefit from it. (The goal should be to have the "The content on ..." line as two lines with nearly equal length, which should be possible independent of the font size when using the "em" unit for max-width.) BTW, the bar after "About openSUSE" is superfluous... Another idea: This page was last modified 16:01, 24 May 2007. | This page has been accessed 221 times. could be combined to This page was last modified 16:01, 24 May 2007 and has been accessed 221 times. Doesn't save a line, but looks more readable IMHO.
Search Box: * I would prefer to leave the round corners (they are the same as the ones used for the boxes)
round corners are OK, but they look to rounded at the search box... Apropos search box: It seems it has a hardcoded height: which is unfortune for people who have a very large font size. Oh, and the layout has some problems on very large fonts in the header (tested with 300% in Konqueror - one of my favorite stress tests for websites ;-) The same problems appear with smaller font size when the window isn't wide enough to display the top menu (home page, My talk, Preferences etc.) in one line. Oh, and the Article/Discussion/Edit/... menu bar can hide the language selector on big fonts and/or too small window size. Additionally, the left column width should be specified in em also. Otherwise the menu can overlap the content on high font sizes. You can find two screenshots on www.cboltz.de/tmp/: - www.cboltz.de/tmp/fonts200.png - showing the cut-off language selector - www.cboltz.de/tmp/fonts300.png - showing the effects when the top menu bar needs more than one line 1. search field to small for entered text, search buttons outside the green box 2. and 3. overlapping text because of hardcoded width of left column 4. "Discover it" outside the green box
Content Table Background: * according to Novell brand guidelines the Geeko tail as well as the Geeko head should no longer be used, so I run out of background graphics matching the theme (and on the other hand I do not like copying Fedora ;) ). I have now changed the background to light green, but I am not sure whether this is better...
The main problem I see are the thick top and bottom border lines. Can you make them less visible? (for example thinner)
Language selector (JavaScript): * Now with Headline msg('otherlanguages')
Content Elements: I have added Christians <pre> proposals.
Thanks, but please remove the overflow-x:auto from div.meetings. Reason: Users will need to scroll down until they can reach the scrollbar. This is not funny for meeting transscripts which usually contain text to fit several pages. Without overflow-x:auto the horicontal scrollbar at the bottom of the browser scrollbar can be used which is always available. Also a note should be added to div.pre_hscroll saying that this should not be used for code that does not fit on the screen without scrolling. (Or make div.pre_hscroll a copy of div.pre_scroll with larger height to auto-enforce this rule.) Another thing I just noticed: please add some whitespace after <div> - the next headline is too close to it. Screenshot: www.cboltz.de/tmp/div.png
http://en.test.opensuse.org/index.php?title=Special:Allpages * I have absolutely no idea why the tables do not use the whole page width - this is why the list of all pages is messed up. Unfortunately no special style is created on this page, so there is no workaround. Please help!
Hmm, what about adding some padding (left and right) to <td> and <th> in general? This would also make normal tables in the content area looking better (see the table on Tag_Formatting which looks quite squeezed). Regards, Christian Boltz --
ich wollte wohl eigentlich sagen / demonstrieren, dass Updateritis heilbar sein kann... Das mag sein, aber der Entwöhnungsprozess kann dauern... [> David Haller und Michael Höhne in suse-linux]
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