>>> "pistazienfresser (see profile)" <pistazienfresser@gmx.de> 7/30/2010 5:36 AM >>>
On 30/07/10 12:08, Juergen Weigert wrote:
> On Jul 29, 10 11:57:37 -0600, Matthew Ehle wrote:
> Can we influence the results of the google search? We may want to move
> results from Portal and Main namespaces to the top, to honor the higher
> quality of the pages found there.

> Is it possible in the Google Custom Search
> to make even more differences
> especially between matches
> 0. (not only) between namespaces but
> 1. exactly to the name
> 2. in the title/name
> 3. to the text
> 4. in combinations of
> (0. AND 1.); (0 and 2.); ...

> For example:
> If someone gives "sax2" or "SaX2" to the search engine
> can he be directed
> only to
> http://en.opensuse.org/Archive:SaX2
> to a list with first to [[Archive:SaX2]]
> instead of

> to a list in that are all the (probably at least for 11.3 outdated)
> articles listed that have (still) SaX2/sax2 anywhere in the body/source
> of the article...

> - ...and only in three (rated most important?) namespaces:
> like the Wiki-search with the settings uses now as default
> http://en.opensuse.org/index.php?ns0=1&ns102=1&search=SaX2&title=Special3ASearch&fulltext=Advanced+search&fulltext=Advanced+searchy

> Can pages with redirects be treated different
> for example:
> be excluded if the name does not match exactly to the searched
> term/phrase (but disregarding capital/non-capital letters)?

> See also:
> http://lists.opensuse.org/archive/opensuse-wiki/2010-07/msg00221.html
> http://en.opensuse.org/User:Jnweiger/Wiki_search#Suggestions
> http://forums.opensuse.org/english/community/opensuse-wiki-discussions/441504-help-wanted-portals-11-1-11-2-11-3-a.html#post2188041

The short answer to your questions is... unfortunately not.  The problem with using Google search is that you have to live by the Google algorithms.  However, IMHO, this is still not such a bad thing.  If the Portal articles are really of higher quality, users will use it more, link to it more, and those namespaces will naturally bubble to the top.
Also, Henne seems to have come across a pretty good idea for how to handle the whole issue about Google not taking you to an article directly.  I think the idea would be that if the MediaWiki search doesn't take you right there, the Google search will be prominently displayed as another option.  This way, the user has a choice of search options.

> By the way:

> A)
> I am not able to access:
> http://enstage.opensuse.org/Portal:GoogleSearch
You have to be inside the Novell network to access the staging site at all.  This is done for a couple of reasons, but I won't go into it here.  In any case, that page was just nuked, and it can now be found at http://enstage.opensuse.org/MediaWiki:GoogleSearch, assuming you can get to the site.

> B) the normal/external google search on en.opensuse.org for "SaX2"
> http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&q=site%3Aen.opensuse.org+SaX2&aq=f&aqi=&aql=&oq=&gs_rfai=
> still gives me a list...

> *... with the best match as the second in the list
> but mostly containing dead links:

I submitted a site map to Google yesterday, and they are currently re-indexing the wiki.  A lot of dead links are already out of the index, and this will continue to get better over time.  In addition, I have created a cron to rebuild the site map daily, so new articles won't take forever to show up.

> On 30/07/10 12:08, Juergen Weigert wrote:
> higher quality

> I do not think that articles/pages
> in the namespaces "Main" and "Portal"
> should / are able to / do necessary
> be of higher quality.

> In my opinion they should just be more appropriate for a 'normal
> user'/'consumer' of the openSUSE project (including the openSUSE
> distribution)
> so:
> - be an entrance to the wiki
> - be more basic than special
> - include definitions/explaination that may not interest/annoy a programmer
> - include links more special topics (in the other namespaces and in
> other sub-projects of the openSUSE project)

Agreed.  Google got to where it is by catering to the consumer more than the publisher ; )