>>>> Christian Boltz <opensuse@cboltz.de> 12/6/2011 1:22 PM >>>
>Am Dienstag, 6. Dezember 2011 schrieb Matthew Ehle:
>> A bunch of the theming issues have now been fixed.
>> The problem came from the new MW software using a new PHP script
>> (loader.php) to pull in the javascript and stylesheets instead of
>> having the browser pull them in directly.  For security and aesthetic
>> purposes, I have an Apache rewrite that redirects all but a specific
>> list of PHP files.  Since loader.php is new, it was not on that list,
>> and Apache wasn't letting it run. 
>Yes, such a "special configuration"[tm] bites back sooner or later.
>> Adding that file in the
>> RewriteCond fixed it right up.
>Can you post this whitelist, please? (or send it only to me off-list if
>you don't want to publish it)
>I'd like to check if there is anything missing...
>(See also my other mail regarding diff view/api.php.)
Here's the entire rewrite:
        RewriteEngine on
        RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !^/(skins|stylesheets|images|config|extensions)/
        RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !^/(redirect|texvc|index|load|api).php
        RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !^/robots.txt
        RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !^/sitemap.*?(xml|xml\.gz)$
        RewriteRule ^(.*)$ /index.php?title=$1 [L,QSA]
As you can see, if it's not a specific directory, PHP file, or search engine file, it gets translated to a wiki page.  Without load.php in there, we were trying to look it up as a wiki page (hint, this doesn't work).

>> The good news is that we can now take advantage of centralized loading
>> of css and javascript.  Since the majority of page loading time comes
>> from dozens of HTTP requests for these resources, these front end
>> optimizations should make the wikis *much* faster.
I've noticed a big difference, personally.

>> I don't know if that fixed the red link issue offhand, since I can't
>> find any pages that have broken links.  Anyone who knows of a page I
>> can test?
>General rule of thumb: http://en.opensuse.org/Special:WantedPages is a
>good starting point - or just use the sandbox and add a broken link
>yourself ;-)
I thought the WantedPages would have been right, but it was hard to tell, since they were all blue links ;)

>I just checked it - links to non-existing pages have class=new, links
>to existing pages don't have any class= attribute.
>I just added those styles to Mediawiki:Common.css (another edit of
>Common.css? I already can see Rajko screaming ;-)
>Note that it may take some hours to get all caches updated, especially
>if you are not logged in.
It works for me now!