Hello Everyone,
I thought you would be interested to hear about what is coming down the pipeline for the openSUSE forums, wikis, and blogs.  Here it goes:
1) We are working on getting the wikis and blogs up to the latest versions.  Aside from what appears to be some minor cosmetic issues on the wikis, these upgrades have been successful on stage.  We are also working on getting the systems themselves patched to the latest versions of Apache and PHP.  The blogs will be updated tomorrow on production, and the wikis will be updated on the 28th.
2) We are moving the blogs, wikis, and forum from iChain to Access Manager as part of the project to decommission iChain.  The major advantage, other than being on a supported SSO system, is that these sites will now be single sign-on with all of the novell.com sites.  We plan on coordinating this move with the wiki upgrade on the 28th, as we had to make a few updates to our extensions and theme to work with Access Manager.
3) As part of this transition, we were able to make the staging sites available to the public!  We have been asked about this for years, and switching SSO systems was the perfect opportunity to do it.  You may access any of the blogs or wikis by adding "stage" onto the first part of the domain name (enstage.o.o, wwwstage.o.o, lizardsstage.o.o, etc.).  I would like to encourage the community to go and test the new wiki software and the integration with Novell Access Manager.